It's Super Effective: A Pokemon Podcast

Shiny Magikarp Invaded Max Raid Battles

Episode Summary

To celebrate the new year, The Pokémon Company pushed a new promoted event to Max Raid battles, Shiny Magikarp! We talk about that event and Season 2 of the Ranked Battles in Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield. Pokémon GO kicked off their Adventure Sync Hatchathon event with party hat Wurmple and friends! Pokémon GO also ranked high in revenue after 2019 ended, we go over their truckload of money here. Also, Pokémon Masters has a new event to dive into!

Episode Notes

To celebrate the new year, The Pokémon Company pushed a new promoted event to Max Raid battles, Shiny Magikarp! We talk about that event and Season 2 of the Ranked Battles in Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield. Pokémon GO kicked off their Adventure Sync Hatchathon event with party hat Wurmple and friends! Pokémon GO also ranked high in revenue after 2019 ended, we go over their truckload of money here. Also, Pokémon Masters has a new event to dive into!

00:00:25 - Introduction
00:02:50 - Build-a-Bear Flareon
00:08:10 - Pokémon Masters Update
00:21:10 - Meowth V-Card TCG Set
00:27:40 - Break Music
00:30:10 - Adventure Sync Hatchathon
00:45:50 - 2019 Pokémon GO Revenue 
01:00:10 - Break Music
01:00:10 - VGC, Season 2
01:00:10 - Shiny Magikarp Raids
01:29:40 - Question of the Week
01:32:30 - Pokémon of the Week
01:38:40 - Post Credits


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Episode Transcription

Steve: What's up, everyone. Welcome to the 390th episode 390 of the Pokemon podcast. It's super effective. I'm your host, SBJ and with me... I have Will!

Will: and I shout out to all the teens and not teams of the world with braces and everything. I am with you, my friends, for the next year. If people think I speak a little funny again or worse, more funny than I used to. It's because I have started Invisalign and I I'm in that place with you, at least for the next 52 weeks.

Steve: You hate it.

Will: Hey, is a strong word because this is something I wanted for

Greg: myself. Ah, it's a good silly and it

Will: certainly challenged. Ah, lot of unexpected bits that are life impacting. But ah, you know, I'll work through it for the next year so that I can learn to smile again. Potentially

Greg: that again. Wouldn't be smiling the first time. I mean,

Will: I smiled when I was, like, two year old.

Greg: Yeah. Okay. Yep. Jer

Will: smile when they fart.

Steve: Way to start off this year. Greg is

Greg: here. Hello. Hello. Hello. I am here bringing all the cheer that will doesn't bring

Will: Greg with his perfect teeth in his perfect smile like, Hey, Greg, Greg, Greg,

Greg: don't look at my bottom row

Steve: of teeth forward. That's a Pokemon news. We have some Pokemon go news, of course. Yes, we can talk about thesis in thehe that arrived in Pokemon Masters. There was a Pokemon sword and shield event in the last week. If you missed it, you missed it. It's over now, but we can. We can talk about it because it was really cool and the new competitive has started in sword and Shield and that's it. That's that's what we got to talk about today. Hopefully, all had a happy New Year without further delay. Let's let's kick off the news with the most exciting news first and then it'll be all downhill thing is James from our slack community sentence in off Nintendo life dot com. Your next Pokemon build a bear is flare Aeon

Will: who? I know at least two people who love flare iam

Greg: At least two we can We just I only too.

Will: I mean, I can't say that scientifically other pok Montana

Steve: How do those two people feel about always being wrong in life.

Will: Well, what was your roommate? So how did he feel

Steve: very wrong in life. He's making furniture now, So,

Will: you know, he makes a beautiful furniture,

Steve: huh? Build a bear is continuing their collaboration with Pokemon. Uh, which is actually probably the more exciting news here that build a bear in Pokemon, Have this relationship that they haven't got divorced. Yeah. Yeah, it's

Greg: still going strong. They're

Steve: very impressive. The latest addition to the Pokemon build a bear a lineup is flaring on an evolution of the already available E V. It is the first evolution of E V we've seen in build a bear form. This is purely speculation on our part. We can imagine. This could mean we could see more TV's in the future. You know, I'm glad you wrote it that way. Nintendo left because that is true. We shouldn't assume, But what I I can tell you as somebody who is deep in the Pokemon community, whether that is, for better or for worse, we do joke about flare out being the least popular. But it is It is the least popular.

Will: Its weight it's even less popular. Inveigh poor eon

Steve: over a poor hands very populated

Greg: areas with fishy tail thing. It's cute.

Will: No

Steve: area doesn't even benefit from being good competitive. Oh,

Greg: it's true way

Will: we're not all here for your battle amusements.

Greg: I mean, that's what the game is. Its battle amusements the game,

Steve: eh? So that my tinfoil hat theory the thistle Tony Tony, My tinfoil hat theory is some of the most popular evey evolution's. I would say top three are probably numbered on ESPN and Sylviane those air probably top three. Statistically,

Will: I could agree with you. Yes, I have a Sylviane hat

Steve: and I think because flare out as the worst my theory is they're starting with the worst. So they know baseline what sales should be going forward.

Will: I okay, two things, Number one please don't ever say 2020 for the rest of the year because every time somebody says that now I'm confused whether the referencing the year or whether the referencing clear vision So that's a band for this program. But that didn't go out of business.

Greg: The show went out of business Things first build

Will: a bear that they did. What was the first Build a bear? Pok mon,

Steve: They did you

Will: So was that, like the least loved one so they could find out whether it be a successful business venture. At that point,

Steve: I don't know. They don't put you. Don't collab with Bill The Baron expect to get you not to sell the way, But you start with, like, bulbous or no Well, no bubbles. There's popular. It's number one in the poke. It exits, obviously the most popular poker

Will: because that's how that was

Greg: everybody else. Think that Larry Ann's face in this picture is really pitched? Really weird. Yeah, really, Pin Chee,

Steve: you can't. I mean, you could you could just do a MRI on and sp n but then people, but that you fall into the trap of people demanding the other ones. So with Peter Chu, it's like one and done right. We did the peek a chew. It sold millions. E ve sold millions. All right, well, we really want to give people Sylvie on ESPN and, um bran, but we can't give him three of the No A 78 How many are there? We have to eventually give them flaring. I'm so it's like it's like the It's like the Band Aid on your arm. He's gonna rip it off. All right, here's the flare and quickly get out the door. Okay. It only sold five. All right. Well, at least we know we can tell our build a bear. Stockholders, you fear? Not this way. Already knew this was our worst selling evey evolution.

Will: I'm I'm a little confused because the actual e V that they did for build a bear is super cute

Greg: is very cute,

Steve: but also is probably the best one lived. Um,

Will: does the flare e arm

Greg: that weird been trace?

Will: It looks like a gray from a spaceship that's coming to take me away and perform weird medical experiments on me in their UFO. That's the kind of face it has.

Greg: Yeah, it's

Steve: in there. Or Beetle. Get it, Get it. Pokemon pun. And he said the UFO and then I changed it to their or beetle.

Will: I don't know what an orbital is.

Greg: Yeah, that's gonna be a loss of the person that has thio e told you

Will: the story of the artillery. I just I need a moment.

Steve: Well, as you take a moment, we'll move on to our Pokemon Masters news. We kind of touched on this last week, but my master's Cynthia Andrey are Lance and Cynthia were added, but not at the same time, even though they both appeared in the No No Hallway event hall. I don't know what that is. Space is called the Big Pokemon Center. It probably hasn't named a thing. It's It's the gathering hall. It's the gathering, said

Greg: the poke about Hallway Everybody,

Steve: Cynthia is now available.

Greg: Yep, I am Holder. Yet

Steve: I have told her the so gaily event is now on. Yep, they bless the team. A Pokemon masters. They said, Don't worry, everyone. It's easier than you two. I was able to do Ah, the so Galileo that unless that an hour, just by hitting the like battle again over and over. And I think I got like, 10 tickets every time and you need 100 and then you get so gay Leo or so go Leo. So go Leo. I think you said Elio, you get so go. Leo and I have it. But there's more missions after it. I think Team Lear. No, the dude's name is Lear. That's just the bad team named T Mask. I don't know they show up now.

Will: This isn't Pokemon duel.

Steve: I can't beat them yet. And then I realized Oh, that's my question for you, Greg. Yes. When you go to Tricia,

Greg: it's by his team Break. That's

Steve: the great. Got it. When you go to Tricia, she wants a 1,000,000 tickets. Sure. First she wants 400 then she wants, like, 600 then she wants 1000. Where am I? I was only getting 10 tickets. A mission? Who is grinding out 4000 tickets and why? Like, I already have the SoCal Leo,

Greg: but Okay, so the first time you do the 1st 3 co ops, you get boosted tickets.

Steve: You talking boosted, like, 200.

Greg: Yeah. So I think I ended up today with 300 after I ran everything today just from running those three, um, for the coop. Because it's super. I haven't done the 4th 1 because the 4th 1 like so in The weird thing is, in the mutual event used to get you get mewtwo tickets from the 1st 3 But you did get it for the hardest one. You got gems, maybe. And it looks like it's the same this way you don't get tickets. When you do the fourth event, you just get gems. So I haven't run the 4th 1 cause it's difficult, and running it with strangers where you can't communicate is just frustrating. So I've skipped it. But every day when you run those coop ones the first time you get boosted tickets, which is the only way to get tickets. Tau power up your pair.

Steve: What you have? Well, if you have Cynthia, I don't think you have to communicate, right? Aren't people going in with three Cynthia's?

Greg: Yeah, except the 4th 1 Generally, um, if you don't do the exact prescribed thing, you'll get wiped out. That's the way it was from you, too. Like if somebody didn't come in with a way to eliminate their stat increases, they want shot everybody. So I haven't done it because I'm not like the mutual. It was so frustrating that I decided that I didn't. I want to be frustrated running this once. I've just been doing the firstly, but the first every day. If you run those 1st 3 you get extra super extra tickets.

Steve: Okay? I haven't unlocked to the co op stuff yet.

Greg: Oh, yeah, you need to do. I'm on,

Steve: like, chapter nine, which I think is I think there's 18 chapters.

Greg: Um, no, I think they're 16 0 Okay. Well, maybe 18. I don't know. I'm not there.

Steve: I'm making it. You didn't beat the story. So, Coop, this is somewhere in your story. I'm assuming. Yeah, I'm in love. I have a love hate relationship with this game because I've been

Greg: Boy, there's 20 chapters,

Steve: O J. I have ah, love hate relationship with this game. I have hit the wall you talked about. I need a bunch of red soda. Yep. So I guess I just grind missions for red soda, I suppose.

Greg: Yep. And this is this is my biggest complaint with the game. Is that grinding those? You can't. You can't auto skip it like you can't. You have to play the game because they're auto function is still riel. Not great. Unlike a lot of other gotcha games. Were you solely overtime buildup? Skip tickets. There's no such thing in this game, so I can't say Well, I need 50 more. Well, so this is

Steve: where your knowledge comes in because you play on the gotcha game, so they have the same grind. But you could just pay to skip it with tickets that you earn

Greg: that you've earned. So, like in other games, I can just say, Well, I need some more. I need some more light orbs. I'll go to the light orbs, one that have already completed. It knows that I've done it and I'll just hit the skip ticket option. And it just says, Okay, here's your rewards because you have already proven to the game that I've done this. So what frustrates me in Masters is I've proven to the game that I've done this many, many, many times. I should be able to just say, Please don't waste my time, making me do this again. Let me have on option to spend a ticket to skip it and then burning those tickets could be difficult or slow, but like give me something that allows me to power up quickly so I don't have to feel like all I'm doing is grinding. And that's what often turns me off of playing masters like right now, playing the Soga Leo won the co op stuff is pretty easy for the 1st 3 I can breeze through them. You know, they're kind of fun, but like the thought of trying to complete Chapter 20 because I have to level up a certain sink pair to be able to do it, which means I have to grind and there's no good way of grinding that that's often where I'm like. I'm just going to not play the game for a while because they I'm so frustrated, having to grind with no quick way past it.

Will: I was gonna ask, like how? What keeps you going back all the time? But if you're gonna be taking a break, then

Greg: I take a lot of breaks from Pokemon Masters.

Steve: That's that's a good question, because for me, because I ignored this game for a couple months. Besides, like logging in and getting gems right, they've been the poker, my master and DNA. The the publisher of the publisher, the developer of Pokemon Masters has definitely given out a lot of gems. Yes, I don't think we're going to not stop talking about Pokemon masters in the foreseeable future, since it's kind of become this game that updates very frequently like Pokemon go. But for for now, if you are slight, if you are ever, ever so slightly interested poking my masters Ah, the 1st 3 times you log in as of 2 2020 Sorry. Well, as of this year Ah, you can get 1000 Jim's for the 1st 3 days, which is 3000 gems, which is 10 poles. Yep, which is very generous, and I don't know if it counts or if you have the log in on New Year's Day. But then they gave a bonus 2000 and 20 gems on New Year's Day. I don't know if that's still available.

Greg: I don't think it is,

Steve: but there's like a 14 day event right now. The 1st 3 days are 1000 gems. Doesn't matter where in the 14 days you start logging in. So again, if you're slightly curious and masters 3000 jobs a lot for free and you just log in, you hit claim reward and then you can go. And I did this for several months where they have had, you know, 50 gems log in 100 gems log in. You know you've logged in 14 days in a row. At the end, you get 2000 gems. They've done a lot of these over the last few months, so I was able to save up 50,000 gems. And I think what finally hooked me is I pulled characters I cared about and the one that, like Super stuck out for whatever reason. Uh, is ELISA, who is the gym leader in black and white, black and white, to she's the She's a model fashion model and she's tricked gym leader. Yes, and she has ups strike a and it's the the thing that mug Pokemon Masters are so well, and what keeps me coming back Will is like once you find a character that you can like hearing them talk, seeing actual personality in them, which is what masters is like top tier. Right now, it's just like a little bit of dialogue that prior to, like main Siri's Pokemon games being like, should they have voice acting in Maine, Siri's Pokemon games? I would I would, in the past arguing No, that's too much time and money they could use in other places. It's very hard to localize the game in like eight different languages, especially because Pokemon games now shipped worldwide, there's a lot of dialogue and Pokemon games, and I mean a small but very vocal amount of Pokemon. Fans already want to skip all the cut scenes anyway. I don't think anyone even if somebody has never played Pokemon, my thought processes, who would run out who was like, No, I don't want a Pokemon game. But oh, if they added voice acting now I'm in like that's not probably a situation most people who have never touched the Siri's like that's not their main complaint is the lack of voice acting. So when I heard Masters had like voice acting, I was like What? But it's not like full voice acting. It's just like these little quips. But those little quips at so much character to it that

Will: I don't advise it Just go. Wow, that attack was eb striking

Steve: No, no When you when you pull a character for the first time like people wolf Rick or Mar a Marlin or ah Agatha, they will leave me Never pull wool Frick Oh, I can hear you,

Greg: Brick and Bugsy up.

Steve: I got a lot of came. This is so like when you pull ELISA, she's like, Hi, I'm ELISA, and it's like, Oh, I actually know how to say your name now and then she'll she'll say, like one thing about her, and then when you're playing with her, she'll just have, like, these little quips of like, Let's go, Are you condone? This is striking. No, I don't think she's that percent,

Greg: though. No, and then we never will.

Will: She's like How it mold relating? I don't

Greg: know. No, She had a yoga. She

Steve: did. She did. So this comes back to Cynthia, where I think obviously, DNA is not foolish. They know they've done their research. They know what trainers slash people the audience wants. So, like holding back Chris for a while. Holding back Cynthia holding back a lance is smart because people hoard gems or save gem's. Or in this case, I'm sure what Cynthia people. They probably saw an uptake in revenue because one not only do people love Cynthia but to Cynthia's is very, very good.

Greg: Yes, in when there aren't any good grounds other than Cynthia like it was in much needed addition, I will say a couple of things that they have done, so they've mitigated how bad polls feel by letting you pull more often now so that you know, when you get your eighth Bugsy in the row, it doesn't feel like where it did before. I have to wait another month before I can pull again, because gems are coming much more regularly. So it's mitigated how bad summoning used to feel. It still doesn't feel great, but it's not as bad. My other sort of major complaint with the game still is if your big Pokemon player they do not playing by the same type rules, so dark types are not immune to psychic there, you know, things that should have double weaknesses on Lee have the weakness that's listed above their head and no others. So it's a bit frustrating when you're used to playing the other poker mind games that masters works very differently. So when you're planning something like, Why did that happen?

Steve: Well, you gotta think about like the TCG where they like grass bug poison,

Greg: right? I'll be what energy it. Yeah, it's frustrating in that fact. It doesn't have to sort of put masters in its own category like it plays by its own rules now and what you think will work or won't work. You have to learn the rules of masters, which is a little frustrating. It's It's like Okay, it was particularly frustrating during the meat to events because you have everybody have a team of their dark Pokemon and it was like psychic one shot at it. I'm like, Oh, how Yeah,

Will: But Pokemon go is the same where Moose will still do damage when they shouldn't.

Greg: Yeah, it's just it's, you know, right when I'm playing the other game and I'm very deep into a great game. Switching to this where it plays by its own rules. It's just like all right, I see you.

Steve: Speaking of the TCG this off Pokemon dot com Pokemon TCG Mouth V. Mac's special collection is now available. This collection includes one promo card featuring me out the V one promo card featuring Mouth V Max, one oversized foil card featuring me out three max at an impressive size five. Poker

Will: like Extra long or

Steve: no, it's just the same big card, not extra long. Five Pokemon TCG booster packs and a code for the Pokemon trading card game online. I think this is the first V Mac's card that is on sale. I don't know. There's the score. Bunny Sabol groupie boxes that are available, but I don't think they come with Well, the all these packs are coming with older cards. But if you wanted, like, a sob all card early like those exist, but I don't think we're getting those are always bad. Oh, yeah. Um, I don't think that we're getting galler stuff until February. I'm pretty sure it's February, so it soon It's soon. What was it? There was, um, when we were playing Well, I can't remember specifically What? What what starters there were Put. It wasn't was. It was back in Gen five. I want to say it was maybe, like saru uh, where there was a specifically, like McDonald's is a rule that was like slightly better than the others. The rules, like it had like, 10 more HP, I think.

Will: Was it zero or was it Dino?

Steve: I can't remember. There is something, though, that, like McDonald's, would have toy like Pokemon toys, and they would always come with a Pokemon card. But something in the McDonald said had 10 more hp than what you would normally get in like another set, and that's like pretty common where it's like there's three different chick Caritas and one chicken. Rita has this move Another. Chacarita has this move, but they both have, like one retreat in 60 hp. But this McDonald's trickery tha as worse. But it has 70 hp, which is good for a lot of bench attacks, will do 30 so to thirties and 60 knockout, but because it had 70 human body does Anyways,

Will: I am disturbed that there's actually something There is a rare not a rarity Kota set code for McDonald's collection

Steve: there. Are you there? Yes, Yes, they fit in the overall collection thing,

Will: Huh? But, I mean, this is Ah, hurrah. With 50 hp and the McDonald's collection card. Boy, there are a lot of zero is printed.

Steve: Oh, you know, speaking about weird collection stuff, I forgot to bring this up on the show. This is TCG related, but back when Detective P gets you came out, they did, um, they did, like, exclusive cards at Gamestop and Target and Wal Mart. I think we're the three. So, like the day after Detective Pete, you came out for that weekend. You were You were like, supposed to be able to go in the game, stop and then ask for. I think Gamestop had, like, stubble and say like, Hey, do you have this noble card? And they gave it. They gave me this noble card and then I think they had a poster. And then it wasn't until, like, the following week they were available at Target. And I think that was the same time the bullets or, like, funk Oh, pop came out. And so when you went to Target, they had I want to say like Side Duck. And so these again, I just like the McDonald's stuff there like numbered cards. And so, of course, me being a sucker about the giant published or phone co pop. I, uh, used my Pokemon pass, and I scanned inside. Oh, it was also when the shiny peek atyou and shiny E V were available in Pokemon. Let's go on. And then I got my stubble card. And then it wasn't available until, like two weeks later that the bulbous or card was available at Walmart. So I went to Wal Mart that weekend. They had no clue what I'm talking about. So I went to a different Wal Mart. No clue what I'm talking about. Then we I went all way out to walk a short walk. She's not that far and noise all the way out to walk the O.

Will: G. I had to drive all the way to eat and prairie gracious

Steve: and they kind of knew what I was talking about. But they were like, we don't have any. So I wrote the Pokemon company and email. I went to support top. Okay, fine dot com opened up a support. Take it. This is This is months ago, this one, Detective Pickett, you came out and I said, Look, I'm a little frustrated that you guys are working with Wal Mart, not because specifically, you're working with Wal Mart, but specifically no one at Wal Mart knows these promotions that you're working with. Like I've been to many of Gamestop promotions, you know, since hard, cold soul silver. I, besides them wanting to try to sell me preorders. Gamestop usually pretty good with Pokemon collaborations. I don't think I've ever had, like, a dramatic issue. Their target kind of hit miss, but nine times out of 10 they know what you're talking about and or grabs many code cards as you want on the counter, because we don't care. Yep. Way know about it. We just don't care. Animal. But Wal Mart had no clue what we're even talking about. And so that's what I said in the email. I didn't think anything of it And what they actually got back to me. And they said, Oh, we're really sorry. We will send you the bulbous or card you're missing. Ah, and I don't know this, but the scorecard was like three bucks and t c d player, so I could have just went to t c d player import it? Well, yeah, but, you know, I spent the time to go to three different Wal Marts. Ah, and if no one knew what I'm talking about, I can't even imagine like, how other people felt for the bubble, sir, because I can't be the only person the Greater Milwaukee area walking into Wal Mart asking for a bulbous or card like somebody else had to have done this. Especially if you're going to the other stores. And this was the hype of Detective Pikachu. They sent me to boast or cards they actually like. They sent me a form like a Google form, and they said, Fill this out. So apparently I'm sorry. I got other emails, uh s I felt at the Google form, and I they sent me to bubble store cards, which, um there you go. Poke post support dot Pokemon dot com actually does stuff, I guess.

Will: Well, quality customer service is what they do, and that's what they're known for

Steve: clearly. All right. Ah, we got some sword and shield the news and some Pokemon go news, but we're gonna take a quick break. And when we get back, we will tackle both of those. So we will see you after the break Start of the year start of the month. This is where I bring up the patri on real quick. I don't know why I said it like that. Anyways, uh, if if you have been enjoying the show and you want Maur hokum on content, you can actually support this podcast by going over to patri on dot com slash It's super effective lunch podcast have paid round bunch podcasts or your patriotic their patriotic, their patriotic in your face every episode. I tried to do that. Try to do it once a month, beginning the podcast. Most of you guys probably know by now if you're listening, but big but special offer for anyone who is currently a patriotic patron or signs up this month. Anyone who signs up this month or is a current patron. I don't wantto leave out anyone who's been supporting. If you sign up or any level, the $2 the $5 whatever, I will send some stickers, you're away. Some free I s C stickers your way. I just obviously will send out a little link. You'll Philip the link with your address. Then I'll throw stamp on. I'll throw some stickers and member up, Send it your way. Tow any hatred, new or old for the month of January. So good times not to sign up. I don't know an incentive, I guess. If you're interested. Also, if you're a thief, $5 level or higher, Irene and I will be doing the new Twilight Wings animate coverage, so those are seven episodes coming out, so that is seven weeks of bonus podcast for anyone interested in my and Irene's thoughts on those as well as the whole back catalogue of Season 20 that Irene and I went through for the animal podcasts and soon to be Season 23 for the Galler for the Gather. Anna Mae. When it comes out in the United States, I know it's already in Japan. Anyways. That's a pretty simple patriot dot com slash It's super effective. Or that's way too long. It's in the show notes. Or if you can remember, I s e not cash. That's another way to do it. Thank you so much for listening. I hope you enjoy the rest of this episode. And I hope you had a happy New Year. Thanks so much. I'm with thrust The episode party with warm apple during the adventurous Inca hatch A thought

Will: I've got issues with this event

Steve: Deal Oh, Pokemon Go Will

Will: do I love Pokemon. Go! I play Pokemon Go Every single day I'm popping lucky eggs left and right. Yeah.

Steve: Do you love hatching eggs?

Will: I used all of the special incubators that gave me as a free gift and I use the infinite in an incubator every single time in egg hatches, I'm propping a new one up in their

Steve: deal. Love wasted money. Well,

Will: I mean, I only use the free incubators. So now

Steve: leave it to me. Antic Thio One. Listen to their community. Put a party hat on rumple and then hide it behind eggs.

Will: So but do people understand that warm pill already looks like it's wearing a

Greg: party hat.

Steve: Yeah. I mean, e. I know you're just like it's got a

Will: spike on top of its head that literally looks like a party had just painted. You don't even need to go to the store and buy one. Just get some makeup and put some makeup put spots on that thing and you

Steve: got a party like everything in Pokemon, a love hate relationship with with About Go Knee and has listened to the most vocal of fans. You know, the general wonders, as we call them, very obsessed with their childhood, and they wanted glasses on Squirtle, and then they complained that they weren't the right glasses.

Greg: Well, they weren't the right classes.

Will: Look, they all can't be that Squirtle,

Steve: the Jed wonders who haven't watched a single animated after. Maybe I'll give him credit. They probably watched the orange Islands. They probably watched that filler season that was the Orange Islands but didn't watch a single episode. The enemy after the Orange Islands didn't go on the journey with Ash and his Trico, who always had a straw in his mouth all the way up tree. Go grow vile Sepp tile. That straw was always there. No justice for Trico. There's probably other Pokemon that I could use his examples

Greg: to know. Shiny, knocked out, all but no shiny, knocked out for a long time,

Steve: justice for Trico. And then last year they did this Ah, loading screen. And in the loading screen there was a war ample wearing a party hat, and everyone lost their minds. Was the 2018 or was a 2019 I think was last year, Jack. Yeah, and they delivered party hat. Were people here, but only in two K eggs, Which to be Ah, you know, to be fair, this is Oh, this is the problem, though, to keep eggs are fine because they're a lot easier the hatch. But the game is designed and set up. In a way, this was hate to give you more to K eggs, but then you feel like the super incubator that you've purchased. You're wasting it because it it, like, reduces the walk time by, like 1/3 which you don't really need the reduction on that. So, like you're burning through that incubator faster unless a on two K eggs, which are easier. The hatch. But you don't want to be a sucker and by the other incubator, because for 50 more coins you get the better one. It's like a no win situation.

Will: Well, there's a slow okay, mongo right there. It's like a no wins.

Steve: You cannot buy them. But then one of you don't get the wormhole

Greg: that you don't get the work, it will be back. Like everything a Pokemon go. It will be bad. You'll get it eventually. Like if you are the fool that says I have to have this now then you are their demographic that they're making money off of. I did not. The picture is cute, but again, like okay, is a wormhole with a hat on it. And then I don't know which evolution I'm getting anyways. And the only

Steve: Bobby Cannavale can evolve.

Greg: Well, then why?

Steve: Because of what? We're both OK when it went. I hate the like where every poker bride is somebody's favorite Pokemon. I hate that thing because it's not true. No one likes CASS Kun. And no, unlike Sil kun. No, that's not true. I like them both for their awful both.

Greg: But they'd be better with party hat on. Yeah, yes,

Will: would be an improvement.

Steve: That would be a significant improvement.

Greg: I was checking for our party hat. Sil coun nothing.

Steve: Trainers ready those incubators. I'm gonna change incubators to the word money. Ready those monies. The adventurous a catchall thought is back, and it's the perfect time to get your leg up on your New Year's resolution. During the adventurous sink hatch a thon, you will be rewarded with extra stardust rare Candies and you know the stones if you walk a certain distance. That's a view at the 50 k. I think you confined Pokemon wearing party hats, hatching eggs and encountering Pokemon in the wild, too. From Thursday January 2nd 2 Thursday, January 16th you'll be ableto hatch, Pikachu and warm Pool, wearing a party P choo and warm pool wearing a party hat into K eggs, we'll have a chance of hatching P Choo wearing a party hat from seven K eggs in two star raids, you will have a chance to challenge eradicate and Wahba fete wearing party hats in the wild pig, Achi will be wearing party hats, which is the same peek into party hat that's existed for like three years. And if you're lucky trainers, you may encounter a shiny Radic Aid. Pekka Chu peach, you Wahba fet and warm apple, all wearing party hats.

Will: Is the party hat shiny

Steve: E? No know how to say

Greg: the same hat. They went toe. Costco got the same hat

Steve: twice. The hatch candy toys, the Stardust Hatch Adventure sink for walking 50 kilometers? Yes. So the a reward for walking 50 kilometers is 50,000. Start US 15 rare candy guaranteed, you know of a stone.

Will: But there's one thing I don't need. It's more rare candy. I got, like, 400 of those things.

Steve: They nerved it. They unearthed where candy and like the last month. So you get Lester candy now from raids?

Greg: Oh, not that it does something different, like nothing to me means it does something. No. Does it not give the same Amada

Will: exactly like this not to for things. I have a five star raid in the back of my building in 25 minutes. So do I care?

Steve: No, it's very easy And stow.

Greg: I want that frizzy. And yes, get it for me. Haven't got one yet.

Steve: I've missed the 1st 2 We're just gonna We're just gonna miss number three. Because you know what, Greg? You're right. We'll come back. You know what? I'll probably come back as shiny with Sacred Sword, so you know I'll stall. I'll get all three when they come back, because I can't be bothered. No, patience is a virtue. That should be their tagline. Yep. Ah, he Tran is coming back. Speaking of the trend. Hey, trend, actually, let's share a sentimental moment here, boys.

Will: Actually, he Tran, actually is not a congress.

Greg: Gave having a sentimental moment where we sentimentally

Steve: we all got he Tran right before my wedding. Together we

Greg: did. So we all went to the wrong Denny's.

Steve: You know, we went to the better Denny's. I

Will: don't remember any dummies. Oh, I do

Greg: remember you. D'oh! Yeah, yes, that actually that day of driving around was sitting from heat. Tran Radi dread raid was kind of fun. It was way. Couldn't find, like, half the roads at the time because there's a lake in the way

Steve: for our listeners. Ah, I got married last year. Celebrate my one year anniversary for my bachelors party Will who was in charge of it, booked like a house cabin. I don't know what to call Abin cab cabin out in the Wisconsin Dells, so we were out there for three or four days, and it was the weekend where he ran was promoted. So on one of the days, I think was maybe Sunday we drove. We happened to see a he Tran, and there was, I think, eight of us. So we took two cars, drove to the heat. Tran. We did it because none of us had he, Tran, because we're in the middle of nowhere because most hotels are also gyms, and there's a lot of, ah, statues, historical things in the Wisconsin Dells. There's a lot of Jim's, but they're just spread out. They're on all these wind, the roads that you have to like dr underneath the hotel over this mountain through this tree, and then you'll get to the spot. There happen to be another. He trance. We drove to that one, and then there happen to be another heat transfer. We drove to that one, and a certain point we were like, Why are we doing like we already got one Trans? Not good. But what we should do now is we should all book the Wisconsin Dells last minute. Now we should go get China. He trained,

Greg: okay?

Will: I mean, it is less expensive in the winter that Zach bring board games and board games. Yes,

Greg: we had a lot of good board game time that weekend. D'oh! It's true. I brought I brought all the good ones.

Will: I brought one. Good one.

Greg: He did, but it lasted four hours. Has a maica. Hey, you're right.

Steve: Okay, So here's my question about this. Ah, Party, party, hat fiasco. Yes. We've said on the show multiple times, and I I think some of the Pokemon go audience has finally started to realizing this. But we've always said this Chinese air, not new content. Yep. Are But Niantic treats them as new content. Yep. Oh, you've got to get out this week. You can get shiny who do like you gotta go There are

Greg: just signing who

Steve: now I will, I will say, like eradicated with a party hat. Wahba fit with a party hat. That's new content. That's another thing to add to your collection. Another deck sentry whether or not you want the shiny. I mean, that depends on how much money you want to spend. Because those air those two are raids only. But they've done this before and I don't think we really talked about it. But the specifically the adventurous sink reward is pretty good. So for 50 kilometers, which I rarely ever hit because I work at home, unfortunately, also a blessing and a curse. Ah, but

Will: here doesn't work at home. Greg May Oh, wow, your loss.

Steve: But you get 15.

Greg: I could know

Steve: 50 k start us pretty good. 15 rare candy guaranteed. You know, this time the thing that people are after the most. So if we ignore the adding shine eases new content, they're really focusing. And you hatching eggs, giving you a lot of two K eggs which you can do with your free incubator. They want you to spend the money for the other eggs, which that's up to you. But is the adventure sink reward good enough? Is that like, Oh, I I can get this two weeks in a row if I walk? A lot does. But I guess the question is like, Does that make somebody who never hits the 50 k dedicated to hit that 50 K to get those three rewards?

Will: Oh, it's not. No, no. Nobody's gonna go out of their way to the 50. Kate. That's a lot of walking. Now,

Greg: that is a lot of walking.

Steve: I'm at 21 this week. So in its 12 hours, I just got a double that.

Greg: Yeah, just go run around a mall somewhere for a while.

Steve: That's a lot of it is a lot of walking. I feel like what they could do at least give, like a 25 k reward.

Will: Oh, hey. I walked 66.8 kilometers this week.

Steve: You go. I,

Will: well, usually on Saturdays. I take a six or seven mile walk, which I did yesterday. So,

Steve: Trevor miles, two kilometers. What's what's 50 k and miles?

Will: Well, a 10 k s six miles, so it be about 30 miles.

Steve: That's a lot of walking,

Will: but yeah, I also went to Norway House and the American Sweetie. So you're getting your number of times

Steve: 50? What's your What's your starters? Count out where? Right now. Well,

Will: where do I cease my stardust? I

Steve: you just click on any poke one that you've caught

Will: him on. Their spoke amount in

Greg: this game, to be exact, 50 k is 31.686 miles.

Will: I have 2,932,000. 388. Start us.

Steve: So 50 k is a drop in the bucket.

Will: And what's even more astounding to me as I have 1619 e v candy, what am I doing with health

Steve: and harmony? You know, vis sons, Do you have? Well, you bought the $10 Reggie things. So you got one. You know the stone from that? How

Will: do I find out how many you know, put stones I have

Steve: that's in your bag. Probably bottom. None too. Right now. I think I got one from the research and then I got the I had three total cause I used one to evolve Shandler. So I have two extra. Now

Will: I have one. You know of a stone.

Steve: So you're getting another one this week. That's pretty great. Okay, Yeah. I think adventures think needs needs to go up or they need to do something more because if they want actual people, like if they want me to get out of my house 50 K's a lot. I mean, I think the rewards were good, but I feel like there should be a reward at 25 K, too. Not as good. Maybe not the guaranteed, You know, the stone, but something.

Will: I mean, there is a reward. It's just a reward.

Steve: Yeah, it's like it's like, what? 25 poke balls And, like five great balls for 25 K. It's not that great.

Will: It's You know it. Let's hear Pok ball

Steve: players, you're walking 25 k. You probably don't need the 30 poker balls is popping out. You're already you're already pretty dedicated to the game. If you're recording 25 being of bragging about how much you've walked, we do have a sub reddit reddit dot com slash our slash super effective, and every Monday it does a post of like, what was your progress in Pokemon. Go where you can brag about you walking. I'd be curious to know we have 1000 people over our Subreddit. This sounds like an ad. It kind of is, but it's free. Um, I think there's also some people inside that share. They're ah, week in progress and Pokemon go to

Will: my weekend progress in poking mongo was I filled up my Pokemon storage yesterday, and I have also maxed out the amount of Pokemon storage I come by. So how do I have so many poker, hon? Oh, I know why. Because of my rule, ABC always be catching. Come on, kids. You gotta always be catching,

Steve: So I should catch us not to in my house.

Greg: You. If

Will: you're not paying attention to the screen of Pokemon, go. You need to have your pok ball plus going and press that button every time you get the booze, booze, booze. You got to do it

Steve: before we move on your next article. You guys Ah, who's committed to the body adventure? Anyone? Do we change? 0%. Okay.

Greg: What do you mean to the body adventure?

Steve: Are you Are you Are you petting your body? every day you walk in them. You take him to a new place

Greg: every day. Well, again. So now that I'm back at work, I have been playing with the body feature more because 1/2 space for the body to appear and two I can walk around. So I have been taking my rose rate out and walking a bit. But again, it's just like Okay, so I see it on the over screen every once in a while And Yep,

Steve: speaking of Pokemon goes, we should have started the show with this because this is this is some math for you guys but his favorite segment so that we have a match. Jingle 2019 Year in Review Digital Games and Interactive Meet Media This is off Super Data Super Data research dot com.

Will: That sounds like a legit website.

Greg: Yeah, Super Data Research as it were, grabbing your data for our own research. Thanks for you see, except our cookie cookie Bladen websites. So what's China telling us today?

Steve: So the report is super date is 2019 year in review focusing on the health of digital games, an interactive media market break out for moments of 2019 and the top trends going into 2020 digital games are up 3% year over there year, generating $120.1 billion in 2019 with 64.4 billion in Mobile and 29.6 billion in PC and 15.4 billion in gaming consoles. There's a bunch of other statistics here, but let's look at the games and so you'll probably see a lot of other Pokemon go blog's reference these numbers. So they're coming strictly from super data. That's why I skipped, you know, polygon, our Pokemon go, huh? Because they're just pulling from this Web site. So this is This is the raw, the raw source here. Let's start with number 10. Let's go up number. Let me and let me know if you've heard of these. Ah, these these air free to play games and these air their revenue in 2019. So, on Lee, the money they made in 2019 they are free to play games cost you no money to download Mobile. I think these are all. Yeah, These are mobile or can be mobile. I guess Well, there's some exceptions here. So Number 10 last shelter Survival,

Will: I think I heard of that

Steve: is a strategy game on has made $1.1 billion I

Will: need to make one

Greg: of the street play games. I need a dollar's

Steve: number nine game for Peace by 10 cent. Speaking of China, it is a shooter made $1.2 billion

Greg: game for peace

Steve: game for peace. They we know 10 cent they make. They own the classic company Super Cell who makes class royal

Greg: thes air mobile games. Or just because I'm looking in my and

Steve: these are all free to play titles in 19 2006 of them being mobile games.

Greg: Okay, because I'm in my app and there is no game for peace.

Steve: A number eight is fate. Grand Order by Anna Plex Ink. It's an RPG made $1.2 billion

Will: and a Rolex. They make enemies

Greg: any pot. Lex,

Steve: Is this again? This sounds like a gotcha game.

Will: Big grand order that is one. The fate stay. Siri's as one of the most favorited favorite people's love enemy out there, So, yeah, that's just in intellectual property. That's gonna generate cash.

Greg: I have seen the game. I've been tempted to play the game. I have not jumped into playing the game because it's more than I want on my mobile phone. So but

Will: if you watched the enemy, you'd be

Greg: playing Oh, you would be all over it. Yes, absolutely. It's another gotcha game. Just so you know,

Steve: Number seven is Crossfire by Smile Gate. It's a shooter. It's made $1.4 billion in 2019. Crossfire, Crossfire, Crossfire, Crossfire. No, not that. Crossfire Number six. You won't believe number one. Number six go by. The antic is an adventure game or six

Greg: only number six,

Steve: $1.4 billion in 2090.

Greg: And they can't hire a regular graphic artist.

Will: Oh, I'm will not hear this. I will not hear this argument again. One can be excited for where garden skates is gonna be, though,

Steve: or $1,000,000,000 cannot. We still do not have socks in this game. We still can't change your trainers hairstyle. I was a

Will: little upset that there's not different body types to choose from for the trainer. I mean, honestly, at this point, this game has been around for so many years and made so much money. Can I not have a body type? That is Maurin confirmation with my vision of myself, please. Thank you. Dear dear Mr Pokemon. Go. Thank you.

Steve: You're saying all dudes aren't the same height with the note? Same structure and the same hair color in the same face?

Will: Yes. Correct number. Either Our lady's

Steve: number five Will Candy crush Saga by King Digital Entertainment. It's a puzzle game wrapping around tow $1.5 billion

Will: I gave a from that game long ago.

Greg: How is that still going so strong?

Will: Because you get to match three things.

Steve: Probably because they have dogs.

Greg: They don't have socks and candy crush saga.

Steve: You don't know what they've upgraded to

Greg: eye to eye. No pursue plays it. It does their socks.

Steve: I wonder if I'm still plays it. My mom was pretty addicted to Candy Crush.

Will: Oh, I was, too. I was too. And then I got to a level where it's just like there was nothing I could do without paying money. And I was like, I'm out and it was like level 1500 or something.

Greg: My friend and plays still and runs is anything but takes like time off. It's like, Okay, I just I'm stuck in a puzzle. I'm gonna give it a rest for a bit and then come back.

Steve: Number four. Louis, I got it.

Will: Uh, okay, go for it Leaves angry birds.

Steve: Lini of legends by riot games slash 10 cent is a mobile $1.5 billion.

Will: That makes sense. Now I'm feeling like, um, garden escapes isn't gonna be on this list at all.

Steve: Number three Honor of Kings by 10 cent. Also a mobile. $1.6 billion. The third time. 10 cent is on this list. Okay, Number two is dungeon fighter. Online by Nexen RPG $1.6 billion

Greg: And I'm carries about this one. Is this in my mobile phone

Steve: dungeon fighter online as Greg. Look that up. Number one fortnight by epicgames. It's a shooter that's made $1.8 billion

Will: sound about right?

Greg: Yeah. No Jin Jin fighter. I'm line on my phone, though it has to be a free to play somewhere else.

Steve: Pokemon go. Really? Ah, fallen behind. I'm

Greg: o gentle fighter online is on steam. I

Steve: don't know One so I mean, there's a lot of money between one point four and 1.8 billion man, that's wherefore die being the biggest game in the world, and Pokemon go to be like slightly below. It is still super impressive. That

Greg: mean there's 400 million between that. That's how much money there is.

Steve: Real big whales in the Pokemon Go see

Will: Well, I think the thing that's holding Pokemon go back is the fact that it's mobile only, and we're getting to a point where there is more saturation of mobile phones around. Yes, but we're also getting to a point where the free mobile phones the technology on them is not good enough to run the high end mobile games any longer. So then people are going moving over to steam, which is on their PC, and they have. Actually, it's a little more affordable to keep your PC up to date with better equipment than it is to keep upgrading your phone, which you cannot great parts of every year. Eso that's you know the money is shifting away from the mobile phone market and into things like steam and PC gaming. Where there's it's it's actually becoming more accessible to the marketplace. That's your economics. Talk from William Are Anders

Steve: Pokemon. Go can't ever get that market because it requires you to be outside.

Greg: Yeah,

Will: well, not only that, but when your phone gets so old that it's like, clunky and I mean Pokemon Go has enough technology problems running on a really good phone. But

Steve: well, I mean, this is just one out of millions of people. But my sister is a prime example of that where she stopped playing Pokemon go purely because her phone had troubles running it. And she was a person that played, you know, every day. And I went from every day to like once a week because, I mean, according to her words, it was just It just doesn't work when she opens it.

Will: Well, I mean, I I have an iPhone. I don't know if I'm allowed to call it 10 or X or whatever, but the first, the one of that. Siri's iPhones out iPhone 10. And right now in this year, 20 that we are in If I launched Pokemon Go and in announcement that an egg is hatching, happens immediately after the launch sequence the game freezes completely, and I have to like force, quit it and started over again. Really. I

Steve: mean, look, they didn't make that much money this year.

Will: I guess they can't keep it updated. Can't make socks. Can't update the game.

Greg: I mean, I feel that there's a couple of things, Um, Pokemon Go does require a better phone but doesn't require a great phone, so there are a lot of options out there, but I think one thing that limits them a little bit is they are held back by a larger company. Like when you're looking at something that fortnight, Port Nate is just responsible to themselves. They can make whatever they want whenever they want. Pokemon go does have a level of oversight and release schedules and stuff that they have to go through because they're working with, ah, brand that isn't theirs. So I think some of their growth is limited by the fact that they have to carefully consider our brand that they don't own and respond to those people's needs. So there is a level of extra red tape for any sort of massive improvements or changes that they want to do, whereas other mobile games can be much more agile in how they switch things around. And I think that is a limiting factor as to how much money you can make if people get frustrated with, like, this is the game play and we're frustrated by it or were frustrated by what you're presenting to us. They have to respond to a larger parent company, whereas other people don't.

Steve: I would personally put more money into Pokemon, go in the in the places that doesn't feel like I'm getting ripped off, so I don't like. I don't mind buying storage upgrades, even though I think it's kind of expensive, like two bucks for 50. So I've maxed out my storage. I've maxed out my bag space because that is something that never goes away. So I feel like there's value to that. That is something I benefit from every day and play the game and plus I'm a hoarder. But for me it's hard to put money in like incubators because they're gone. And if I don't catch what I intended and so have I like but you know, Ah $2 incubator and I hatched three eggs and none of them were were ample. I would be like, Well, I don't feel like I got my money's worth because I have stress soul rock, a soul rock and above all, sore. And that didn't feel like $2 worth to me. So I personally stay away from that kind of stuff. But like, right now, my big problem is I would like my trainer to look cool, and I would like to purchase clothes. I have no problem in games. I like to purchase cosmetics because they're there and I can show them off. And this new shirt makes me feel good inside. And so here's your $2. But the fact that this game's made billions of billions of dollars in the last three years, and if I put the $2 shirt on top of the $1.50 pants and the belt buckle goes through the shirt, it looks completely awful. It's like, What did I just pay for? I just paid almost $4 for clothing items that look atrocious on my character. What about like what I actually paying for here like

Greg: that? A real problem paying for clothing and stuff if

Will: you're sure beats you. Feel good on the inside. You're wearing it the wrong way. A shirt supposed to make you feel good on the outside.

Steve: Oh, my bad.

Greg: Yes. Quit eating your shirt, Steve. But that's

Steve: kind of like my big problem with specifically Pokemon go is I feel like the money I am putting into it is just like if you're gonna charge somebody $2 for a shirt, at least make it look good on the character.

Greg: You have one model you

Steve: have. You don't have different body types. You don't have different heights. Yep. Why is the clothing in this game clipping each other so badly? Like the poke about themselves Look great. And I get that Niantic doesn't make the Pokemon models, but you can't ii based him. You can't hire somebody to, like, really sit down. And I'm sure they would probably Maybe that maybe it Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe it doesn't matter how good clothes, clothes look. Somebody sees that licking tongue shirt. They pay the two bucks for it, They put it on it clips through the pants and they go, Well, I already spent the two bucks. Who cares? Yep. Maybe maybe that's actually the core of this. But if I know it's not gonna look good, then why am I personally? Why would I pay the $2 like I really I would. I would probably buy all the clothes in the game at some point over the time, maybe by one shirt a month, and eventually catch up and have all the shirts. But half of them don't even look good. Uh oh, my gosh, it's so frustrating.

Will: Yeah, that's true. I don't even wear shoes in the game. Haven't worn them for years. And

Steve: I think my problem is it's just it's a game I play every day, whether it's five minutes or an hour. And so I've already invested the time. So, like, $2 in, you know, 300 hours of playing a game I like to play is really nothing. But I feel like there's just such a big disrespect to the player for them to spend money on your clothes and your clothes don't even look good after you gave me and take the money to look good. Ah, well, maybe write a

Will: letter to support at niantic dot com so that they can Yeah, I'm sure I'm free clothes credits.

Steve: Sure they'll and certain two years. All right, let's say woman break and we have our sword and shield news and then our boatman a week in the question. The week So we will be right back. Garbage, Garbage, garbage. Go Go! Flash with gigantic Max Pokemon for great prizes in rank battles in January Season. Gigante Max Peek atyou Gigante Max Now relax and more powerful Pokemon are ready to join action in the next ranked battle season. This is off Pokemon dot com The second season of Sword and Shield rank battles have begun. A handful of Gigante Max Pokemon are allowed for the very first time, including Charles Hard Butter Free Peek A chewed me out evey snow Relax, Korver Night dreading all Sandakan ascent escort will be allowed spoiler thes air All of the promoted Pokemon that have is just two months. Besides, you shoot me out The Navy, which are very easy to get you will be matched with other players of similar rank to even the competition on the higher you finish in the season. Ah, the greater the rewards are. Prizes include battle points ability, capsules, mints and even bottle caps, including golden bottle caps for top performers. Try to meet. Reach master ball rank at the end of the month to earn the best rewards. Thio Start ranked battles. Bursts of select versus in the X Men you choose Battle stadium. Choose ranked battles. Press the white button to see the current rules and regulations. There are both single battles and double battles for you to participate in rank battles in January will run through the month of January and check back later for more ranked battle season news. So if you were to do the rank, the first rank battles, which took place in December and you were to make it to master rank, it doesn't matter where in master rank you make it. You would have gotten 600 battle points and three golden bottle caps. Wow, which I think for me took. It's a tie. I mean, it's a time commitment for me. It took I want to say about 50 battles to do. I think it was like, No, it might have been 60 because it was like 35 wins and 25 losses, I think is what I ended up with to get to Master Rink.

Greg: How's it going now? One of you know, two

Steve: ends, eight losses. I think right now Ah, you can You can definitely tell. There was a slight shift in meta, but I'm also very, very bad at battling. So I was pretty proud of made its master rank, but 600 points is very, very, very, very good. Ah, I was not expecting the three golden bottle caps, which is nice. They're they're really pushing the competitive. It's almost like at e three. They said they wanted to focus more on competitive. And that was one of the reasons for the national Dex cut. And here we are, where almost everyone playing competitive is extremely happy with competitive. Unless your name is smoke. God. Ah, I don't know about Nugget Bridge, but I mean, like, smoke smoke guns, always like smoke on was never gonna be happy with this, because slogan is designed to make sure everything is as fair as possible. Yes. Whereas like the Pokemon company, they understand that that doesn't exist. Yeah, Yeah, exactly. On somebody. I mean, if if they cared that if they cared, everything was fair as possible. they wouldn't make Pokemon like, far fetched or chime Echo or Egli buff, Right? Like these Pokemon will never, ever be competitive. Well, I don't know, actually had, But maybe somebody has made chime echo competitive. The Pokemon company want things to be as fair as possible. They wouldn't have let Lan Doris run wild for 10 years. I don't ban

Greg: the genie. They don't exist. They didn't make it over. They didn't get their passport stamp

Will: out. They have been canceled.

Steve: Yeah, I don't know if I have much to say about the competitive stuff. I know. If you at least participate in one battle in ranked, you get 50 battle points whether you win or lose, if you want an easy 50 battle points actually 100 battle points you do one round of ranked one round of sorry. One round of rank doubles, one round of ranks singles. And then at the end of the season, you will get 100 battle points just for participating in both. I am not a huge fan of singles personally s O. I didn't do any singles, but I guess in retrospect, I probably should've done one match. But yes, 600 points for getting a master in pretty good. Ah, I don't know if that's good enough for you guys too. Participate. I know. Will has. Well, have you beaten the game yet?

Will: No, no, I told you he picked it up. I was all ready to get back into it and play it through and finish the game, especially after my nephew shamed me because my nephew has already defeated the game and he was doing Battle Tower or something I ain't never heard of. And I went and I stepped out onto Route nine and there was a little I was on the bridge and there was a little bubbly fish, the whole thing. And I was like, Well, let me fish for something cool and new And I fished and I fished and I fished in the exclamation point came up and out, popped in artillery, and I said, You know what? That's why I don't want to play this game. They killed the act Ilary. We walked back to the Pokemon Center and a shame and put the game away for a couple more weeks.

Greg: You have the weirdest requirements. I just want New Po come on by one of the grass. There's like a ton.

Will: No. Okay, I walked over to the grass and what was what was there? There was a Marini walking around. There was, Ah, Gaster Don walking around. There's some other water, dude. And like, first off, this is an ice route. Why air their water? Pokemon walking around on a nice round. Why is the grass on a nice right? Whatever. I'll ignore that. But then

Greg: it's his Kraemer And over there, the are deserter. Poke him on. Why are the border poking my walking

Steve: around? They need to be in the water. I was standing on that little river bank

Will: and saw Little Man, teen or something poke its head up. I don't know what that is, but I could see it in the water. They

Steve: could put the water

Will: Pokemon in the border. Marini is not supposed be walking around in the grass. I

Greg: know that

Will: because it gets dried out when Krusty

Greg: it's right over that the water's render their bodies take a dip.

Will: Now it's but

Greg: it's too cold. It gets cold, but there are already

Will: is a marine is a tropical water Pokemon.

Steve: I did. Did you battle peers?

Greg: Who's piers? Okay, well, that you, lady, the one that you wanted to grab, the one that you wanted to pop up. It's not hopeless. Is that what that is? Most common to pull? You just got the second most common.

Steve: You didn't. You didn't like club. Oppose.

Will: I didn't go. I don't

Steve: have a

Will: car before us. Because I saw an act. Ilary. I didn't see a cracked IPASS. Okay, I

Greg: think. Is that 40% in the eye? And I want that

Will: dragon that rides on the back of the other dragon. It's like two dragons

Steve: dragon Paul, You

Will: don't know. My friend Tiffany has won. And we were doing raids, and I saw hers. And I was like, I want one of those

Steve: dragon balls.

Greg: But playing the game,

Steve: the number one Pokemon used in competitive battles right now

Will: well, well

Greg: is really good.

Steve: It's really fast.

Greg: It's very fast.

Will: I also want the dragon that looks like drug algae but isn't drug algae. And I also want a poltergeist because

Steve: dragon that looks like drag algae.

Will: I think it's called a eternity. Ve something like that. Is that a dragon?

Steve: It is a dragon. Yeah. I mean, it's supposed to look like a skeleton of a dragon, so

Will: yeah, yeah. I mean, drug algae looks kind of off.

Steve: I mean, if you if you can get get to the final city, you'll get to yourself to eternity. Kiss? Yep, they exist.

Will: I will get there eventually some day. Maybe I'll finish it tomorrow night.

Steve: So any in your in your in your hate of ah, Pokemon sword Pokemon Shield. It's not hate. It is a disappointment. There was a, uh I guess we'll call it a New Year's event. Even though, uh, the Pokemon company really doesn't like to say that these Christmas events or Thanksgiving events or New Year's events. Pokemon go is also very good at saying this. They will always they will always dance around, said event. But ah, more shiny, more shiny magic cart briefly appear in Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield in Max Raid battles is December 30 1st off Pokemon dot com be on the lookout for Pokemon dens in Galler wild area that may contain shiny magic. Er kick off the new year with more magic harp appearing in Pokemon dens for a limited time the Magic Harp. You will encounter

Greg: very limited time.

Steve: The magic Harp you'll encounter in Max. Right battles will also have a much higher chance than normal of being shiny. Don't miss your opportunity to battle and capture the special Pokemon. You take advantage of these better odds and Max raid battles. You will need to connect to your Nintendo switch system to the Internet. Then you will see a pillar of light shining from a Pokemon dead in the wild area. You can walk up to a Pokemon den to interact with the max for a battle with a Donna Max Pokemon. Your chances of countering Maur shining Pokemon in Pokemon Denzel last from December 31st. January 3rd. So grab some friends and head out to the wild area.

Will: All right, Can I just a little bit more on my problems with Sword and Shield. New Year's Day. I had my friends over for New Year's dinner. My mom made a nice little pot roast, and afterwards we're like, Well, let's do some Pokemon raids together And I was like, You know what, friends? It's a shiny magic carpet event. Let's go find some shiny magic card because that's a fun thing that we as friends, conduce together. So I hop on. I have my switch connected to my big old TV that Steve forced me to buy that cost a $1,000,000 Sir Walter high resolution that just makes poking mom look really, really bad with shiny TV, ultra, etc. Up. And I like literally, the first den that I went to was a Magic harp then and I was like, Okay, friends join me. Blow will do local play because neither one of you are subscribers to Nintendo Online service.

Steve: This is This is mind blowing to me, but okay, continue.

Will: And they they started up the game and there were all looking We're on our wine menu and it's like, Well, where's the stamp? Will? There's no stamp. We can't see the raid And that way, like we tried and tried and I'm texting you and Greg and tried And then, like Trevor started up Ah, den battle. And like we all saw that stamp come up, we joined in. I got a, uh what's a spinny dude? Him on top. And like Tiffany started up a max raid battle, and we all were able. But like whenever I try to do the magic carpet, nobody could do it. Well, why? Because since they're not Nintendo online subscribers, they can't see it at all. Even though I could see it and they were literally in my house with me, Why couldn't there have been a message up on the screen that said, Ah, you guys can't join this raid battle rather than me wasting 45 minutes of my life, not knowing that was the reason why they couldn't see it like one error message error messages like the most popular thing for computer programmers to program. They love making error messages. All they had to be was like your friends can't join. Sorry, rather than me like having to text you and Greg like and then, like two hours later, find Oh, that's the reason why we couldn't see it. I

Steve: don't necessarily think you need new tender online or the magic carpet to appear, but you do need Nintendo Online to play with other people online. I think in your instance

Will: we were doing local

Steve: local, but they never connected to Nintendo online to then tell the server that these are special rates. Yeah, so they way they would have been able to connected the tender online to get that server push. Because this is the way we're gonna talk about the interesting thing here, they would have had to either like, update and share their trainer card, or even more so, or go into versus or even more simply, like just go into the wild area news under mystery gift. And by connecting the wild area news, it would have pushed the server update

Will: even without a Nintendo Online Correct Go. I wish I had known that.

Steve: So I think that is the problem, because specifically in the Pokemon article, it doesn't say you need a tender online, but it says to take advantage of these raids, you need to connect your Nintendo online system to the Internet. So by going to mystery gift and then going toe wild area news that does temporarily connect you to the Internet, which I think is what they needed to do. I don't think they specifically needed a Nintendo Online, but also, like I said, another way you could do that is by like updating your trainer card and then hitting with share button and I think that connects you. But okay, so before we get the magic orb stuff, it is I feel like if you're committing to a Pokemon game, and I I don't know any everyone look as a twitch dreamer. I can definitely relate to the people's wallets. Ah, and how sometimes money is tight. But I feel like if you're going all in on a Pokemon game, I feel like Nintendo Online is just part of that. That that journey you're doing together

Will: thes folks that aren't going all in. That's that's the thing. They only were playing Pokemon because I was playing Pokemon. If I hadn't said, Let's do great battles together, they wouldn't be playing Pokemon.

Steve: They've either gives themselves

Will: Yep. They played through, finish the game and done

Steve: okay. I mean, yeah, I guess those exist. Like I just think of it like, Oh, I just think of it like you just think of it like I mean, back in the day, like, Yeah, I guess it sucks that, like you have to pay $25 a year, But also, when you're buying a 65 $125 a years, I realize

Will: it But I also have friends who are like I don't like to do any kind of subscriptions at all. They don't they don't want to ever do Subscription service is no matter what the cost is or anything but the benefit. They just hate the fact that it's a subscription.

Steve: Yeah, I just think of red and blue of like That's getting a link cable. It's like 15 bucks. I mean, if it was the inattentive Brandon Lee cable, I think it was 20 bucks. I was like, You needed a link able to trade. I mean, and I hate the argument of like, well, trading always used to be free. No, and running blue is not free. It was $20. And let me tell you, it was very, very, very hard to convince my mom to spend $20 in laying cable. She was like, You're never gonna use it. And she might have been right. I might have only traded like twenties. And yeah, I guess your friend could meddling cable, but it was never It was never free to trade, and it is technically you could trade for free and sword and shield if you are in the same room as somebody else. I just It's kind of shocking to me that I guess now that you've explained they beat the lead for, they're done with the game. That is a lot of Pokemon people. Um, to do that to just okay, I'm done playing the game. I'm moving on two different games, but I it seems this is the second promoted are okay, so if we don't count the gigantic back stuff, it's ignore all that. This is the second promoted event that isn't a gigantic max. They did the deli bird stuff back around Christmas. They made Deli Bird spawn everywhere. Same, same same concept. You have to connect to the wild area news. Get the deli bird push. Deli Bird gave better rewards. It gave a lot of candy, give dusty knots. This magic carp gave a bunch of nuggets. So is so. This is like I guess the conversation I want to move to is, even if you were like, why I don't need magic. Er, I don't want a battle magic carpet. I don't need magic carpet if you're still playing the game. This is like the This is the best time to money ratio you probably could have gotten of. I'm going to do this magic, cooperate with friends. And even though I don't need the magic art, the amount of rewards you're getting, I feel like is respectful of your time.

Greg: Yes, I agree.

Steve: Even though I ended up leaving this event with nine shiny magic carb and anyone could have looked at me and said, Why do you need nine trying, Magic Harp? I don't I'm not gonna, you know, apply for a job one day and write down that I got nine type of magic art like it's not beneficial to me at all. The rewards that I was doing in the fun I was having was, ah, 1000% worth it. Like it was just so fun to keep finding Magic Harp with other people and those people getting excited and us getting excited. And it is always fun to be like, Oh, this one shiny, cool, But like, who get like like got two Good enough, sweet Give 11 will say as Magic Harp one will be Gary knows, But mandate about the amount of nuggets I got was just like, this is awesome. I could. I could do this forever and granted it was four days, but I think that was a good amount of time to I think even two days would have been good. I think maybe more than four days might have felt a little bit drawn out because it does push other raids away. If they if they continue to do stuff like this, I think it does. Then add value and maybe your two friends would reconsider of, like Is the $25 a year worth it to them? If once a month they can participate in what seems to be, I don't know. I don't know the easiest way to compare it to Maybe like a community today of Hey, let's come, we will be delayed For we We saw the credits were moving on two different games, but once a month for three days we can play with our friends, come back to Pokemon, do these magic carps. Do these Delhi birds do whatever else they have planned? This game's not even two months old, and they've already done to promoted non G Max events and then maybe they decide to get into competitive. They decide to finish their poke addicts. They decide to maybe actually tried to explore the while that, like, I think this is what we've always wanted in Pokemon games and they're actually finally delivering that. And I feel like that conversation has been lost to people because they're like, Oh, shiny magic cart, which is like cool him. But like, the cooler thing is, we're seeing these events now in the game.

Will: I think so. But it may be too little, too late. Since people don't expect this kind of stuff, they're not looking for it to happen. And even though it's happening, they're not gonna participate because they just don't expect it.

Steve: You don't think those same friends now that they've seen that there's a shining magic cart and unfortunately, it doesn't seem like they were able to compete If there was another, I don't know. Animals debuting so shiny knocked a hoe to celebrate

Will: on Lee. Only if I was sitting there and said, Hey, there's this shiny event they won't even know about it. They won't even know. Interesting.

Greg: I feel like that's S O. I know three people who have never played Pokemon heavily before, who are very much into certain shield and the post game, and I like still playing it and get very excited for these events. I think it's hitting more people. Then we think because there's something about the switch that has changed things for a lot of people. I know, I

Will: know. But it's just your traditional video game player wants to get to the credits and be done. Your and even a lot of people who just picked up sword and Shield because they know Pokemon games are generally a good experience. They get to the credits and they're not paying attention to the Pokemon news anymore. They they just don't want to do it anymore.

Steve: And this is This is what Massouda and other higher end game freak people have said. This is why I like the battle Frontier didn't make it. No maker Ruby Officer fire. They completely know that most players get to the credits may move on. And so it's hard to spend so much time developing a vast post game that the majority of their audience is not going to play, and

Will: they need to promote that postgame or like before the game is sold so that people who are these kinds of things can be heard.

Steve: I think if you went into the I think the minute I don't think they did this for Delhi Bird. But I think for this specifically for the magic carpet popped up in the mine attendant news. So they push it toe all switch owners in the mine Eternal news that there was a magic carpet vendor goes into my I'm in no new. Yeah, but like I'm

Greg: happy just shops up on the side. Every time I go,

Steve: I'm just saying, like how How how else do you promote this event? I mean, they tweeted about it. It's on dot com

Will: I get calls from China, might as well get him from Nintendo.

Greg: I also think they did something very different with this game as they introduced What is the post game early? Like the wild air is the third thing you hit. And so there is there is that breadcrumb because you go back to it a number of times, and every time you go back to it, new things happen. And at the end of post game like, hey, things have changed there, and you go to more places. So I think I don't know what more they could do for bread crumb ing to get people to go back there to see these events. Like they did a really good job in promoting this wild area as being the postgame throughout the entire game. I I don't know what they could do to better promote that. They're doing something special like I saw it, but I I don't know. I think this is the first game where they're actively taking steps to say there is a much bigger postgame. Yeah,

Steve: and it just may take time. I think I think, Well, you're making excellent points of like If somebody beat the game saw credits, they put away the game. How do you communicate to them to come back to the game? Are they following Pokemon on Twitter? Are they following Pokemon on Facebook? Do they go to Pokemon dot com spoiler for that one? No one goes to Pokemon, Doc, come. There are always People are always doctor that we can continue to pull news for Pokemon dot com every single week. They're a really good resource. They might not be the fastest resource no Pokemon dot com is a really good resource of what's happening in sword and shield right now. Ah, they pushed it toe all switch owners. Whether or not they check the minute. No news, I don't, but I do know it's there. So, like, I don't know how else you communicate to people that an event is going on. And while the deli bird event might have passed a lot of people in radar, I think this event was a little bit more effective. But I don't know if it was more effective because they increased the shiny outs for magic. Er, I calculated that myself because I happen to stream on switch and because, you know, 200 people were watching me and they were also doing these raids. I said, Hey, before you leave for the night, before you say goodbye, let me know how many raids you did. Let me know how many were shiny, collected all that data and I got about 12% of the raids were shiny. Now, obviously, there was a flaw in that because it was possible that me and Greg could have done a rate together. We both got shiny River reported back. So I figured that number was a little bit higher. I then reached out to Joe to Sarah. Be talked to Joe, and he said that he could actually see it in the code. Whatever that means. I I have Ah, I disagreed with Joe on a lot of things, but apparently in the code, it's said that the shining magic number 8% which does come to a one and 12 chance it one in 12.5 chance. So one out of 12.5 raids would have gotten you a shiny magic harp, which is higher than community odds, which is 1 25 I guess raids do technically take longer to do. Then just tapping on a magic harp in Pokemon. Go and running away. Um, you can't run away from a raid. I think that's a good amount. Think that's not low enough? Not high enough. I think that's a good amount where people were like Oh, my gosh, is magic carpets shiny and again going back to the first conversation. Even if it wasn't shiny. It's still worth your time because the reward for so good,

Will: huh? I got a shiny on my 1st 1 so it was worth it enough for me.

Steve: It's awesome. And I think I think it does prove well, not that it needs to be proven. I think like it doesn't matter what shiny odds are. It doesn't matter if it's one in 1000 or if it's one in five. I think going into a raid and being like Oh my gosh is a shiny is pretty fun every time. I think that's why community works. Who cares if the odds are one in 25 in there? They're not as special because the hundreds of thousands of people I played community with in the last three years, they're still excited every time that that Pokemon is a different color and the sparkles appear every single time there still excited?

Will: Yeah, I'm excited cause it's like, 01 less that I have to care

Steve: about it, eh? So the other thing that I think is interesting is that this game has yet to have an update. If we look at the history of X and Y Sun and Moon Ultra summon Walter Moon, Let's go, Pikachu. They all received updates in January, whether or not this game. We'll get an update in January. Unsure. There's seems to be a lot of things they need to fix. Yeah, I think sucker punches broken competitively. Ah, there's a couple spots in the wild area where no music plays at all. I don't know if that's intentional or not. The game, at least for me, has crashed three times in the last two months where I can't think of other Pokemon games that have crashed. I mean, there's a couple issues, but some people, specifically Joe, thinks the shiny odds are broken for the catching slash knocking out method. Although we don't know because we had this conversation a week ago, we only have one person data mining the code and sharing it to Joe. And they've been wrong multiple times in the past, especially about how people for the 1st 2 weeks thought you had two combo and then Pokemon dot com said there are no combos except for chain fishing, which doesnt lead to shining Pokemon only with the brilliant Pokemon. The interesting thing here with the magic carps are they were all of the square, shine, ease and normally in raids because they're static encounters that raids are the same as Matsuda, and the same is Tree and the same as any static encounter in the game, where it's 15 out of 16. Chance of being stars. One out of 16 chances of being squares. Not only without pushing an update to the game's servers side, they were able to change rates to Magic Harp, which had them before with Delhi burden stuff. They changed its magic harp. They changed the rewards. They changed the shields, which I don't think a lot of people noticed. So if you were in a five star Magic harp, you had a you had a five star shield. But if it was a five star, shiny magic carpet was actually a six, it was actually six shields. The Shining Magic card hadn't extra shield in a five star raid, which is interesting unless I'm wrong on that. But that was something I noticed. And then the third thing was, they forced all of those magic carps to be squared, shine ese and not the star shine ese for whatever that's worth. It's worth nothing spoiler, but they seem to have a lot of control on what they can do when they push it out. Obviously, that makes sense. I don't think that like any any of those three things the extra shield, the rewards, the type of shiny was an accident. Okay, question of the week.

Will: Hey, this better be good. I've seen a musical twice this week.

Greg: I know. Already asked me. It's so easy to quiz me on my knowledge of all things around Po came on. If you ask me, you'll find out what my answer is to the question, uh, the wi

Will: standing ovation standing over it. Beautiful. Not a dry eye in the house. I

Greg: didn't do the key change yet. Find it. Make it happen.

Steve: Ah, this is from a lance from our attic channel in slack. We actually touched on this earlier. Do you think we'll see voice acting in the series in its life on the switch, Fire Emblem got a lot of praise for being fully voice acted, which may be influential for game for on Okay. Ah, give free, Sundram. So would you want full voice acting or just minimal character grunts or phrases like masters does,

Greg: um, I'm trying to think of what game I play. That has full voice acting. But when you hit a, it skips to the next thing. Like I would like full voice acting as long as there is a way to also like, Oh, final Fast 14 does that where they'll start the speech. But if you've read it faster, you can hit a gnat's skips to the next section. That's the kind of always acting I would like. But yes, I would like voice acting in my games, although I do tend to play them with the sound off. But I didn't this time because it had on the big TV. So yeah, I'm back to having voice acting. I went all around all around the world on them back, boys acting, yes,

Will: and I would say I would. I would like voice acting, but they don't even have enough room to put all the Pokemon's a bunch of audio recordings

Greg: bringing that up.

Steve: Who knew that road well turned into a national dexter over the last?

Greg: It's just because he wants to find things to hate about. The game is eternity. Cole

Will: of my heart is our block of ice. You got that right.

Steve: Well, I would like to see more of a master style thing. Um, personally, I wouldn't I wouldn't hate it if everything was fully voice acted. But I think the I think the master's stuff is really effective.

Will: Is it super effective?

Steve: Let's not get carried away here. We'll give us our poking one of the week.

Will: Well, the last week's Pok mon up the week What were those horrible, horrible clues had something to do with me being a kid in Hawaii and Fi

Greg: ox, I don't know.

Will: Um, well, because it was related to you the typing of a fire fireworks, Pokemon. But it wasn't the fireworks Pokemon, um, because they had already done that. One has, uh, typing of this, the week's Pokemon. It's pre evolution doesn't have any equal typing to it. So it's a completely new set of typing, and you could only get it very recently, even though I didn't say this, but it's pre evolution has been around since the first games, but this Pokemon you could only get recently. So who's that? Pokemon

Greg: kits allowed?

Will: Not in generation one.

Greg: It's a lowland Merrill wack,

Will: a lowland Merrill whack, you are correct. The fire ghost or ghost fire in which, when it was exactly fire

Steve: Ghost,

Will: it is fair game because shant Chandeleur, which I said was It's cousin his ghost fire. Yes, So there's the difference. And it's also weird that it can learn flame wheel hex and shadow bone before Level 28. But it doesn't evolve into a little Merrill back.

Greg: That's a level

Will: eight. So it's like, uh, I guess gotta use the move. Remember for those ones, even though it never learned them in the first place,

Steve: there's, ah, some useless trivia alone. Merrimack Weevil, Poor Gonzi or the same weight as dawn watch. Hey, bold media coming through strong here.

Greg: Really? How light is dawn?

Steve: Ah, £75. Okay. 10 year old girl normally weighs £75.

Greg: I don't know.

Will: 10 year old girls come in all shapes and sizes.

Steve: Not according to the yeah alone. Meryl Jack is the only dual type Pokemon that shares no types with its pre evolution who fancy. Though a lowland Mera Wok shares the ability to rock head with Q Bone, a Cuban with rockhead cannot evolve into a lowland Merrill. Back with the same ability as Rockhead is Cubans first ability and a lowland Merrill Axe Hidden ability.

Greg: Uh huh. That shuffle sprites. Really good, though.

Steve: Perfect It is. The ad's good. It's good. We need

Greg: both Sprites are good.

Will: Poker. Lola of a Lola Merrill acquisition Shuffle.

Steve: Yeah, everything up to Mar Shadow wasn't shuffle.

Will: I gave up on shuffle too soon. We

Steve: need shovel too, so we can get sprites. Yeah. Oh, come on. I need that grammar and shuffle

Greg: with or without peeking.

Steve: Ah, all three of you have to have a peek atyou, Erica. Okay, You gotta have all of them.

Greg: That makes sense. Ah,

Steve: what's next week's Pokemon?

Will: Well, you thought that Greg's question of the Week song would be your only reference to a particular film, but you would be thinking wrong. I was also inspired by that particular film for this week's Pokemon of the Week. So fasten your seat belts, kids strapped in. If I could do this without laughing, that would be a miracle.

Greg: What's your jellicle choice thing? Jellicle poking?

Will: Oh, this Let me stare at the burger of the beautiful Burger King signed like the moon in the sky, the jellicle

Greg: moon, the jellicle moon.

Will: Um, in the matter of finding our Pokemon creatures particular aspects we must keep. We must reconcile their name, their species abilities quite surely, but also the route where they domicile and, you know, va on four and 18. If you're lucky, you'll see this week's eating a Yap a berry in Kayla's in hordes on Route five. There are many practicing to intimidate, to appear very scary on our return. Toho in We traveled quite far to 1 13 and then we must look very closely. This week's Pok Mon can only be found if it peeks out its head, perhaps to be nosy while visiting a Lola. Our first trip. No dice get on our return without too much luck. We discovered some boys before the Red Meadow and some girls near the town with a broken down truck. Grand Gallagher with its castles, it's Curries. It's camps. Appears to have two routes. We can place the mystery. Pok mon Motive Stoke Outskirts is one and galler mine number two. It does grace. One last bit of advice. If you would be so keen to find a species member with the ability stated, travel to the wild area, peer into a den. It is in a max raid. You'll be quite elated, actually, the last line of if it's in a max rate, you'll be quite elated. But could this My microphone got in the way so hard to write that five minutes before we started

Steve: recording? My gosh, I was taking a nap. There you go. All right. Well, we will be back next week. Of course. Boo. Greg's on Twitter at White Wing. I'm on Twitter at dragging a lake. Well, is that washing the sink? I said the red it earlier reddit dot com slash our slash super effective. It'll be in the show notes as well. Yeah, I guess we'll see. We'll see. What happens is January. I'm still expecting something in regards to January 15th but maybe I'm wrong. Well, see, I suppose, Yeah, we'll be back next week. Thank you. For anyone who reviewed us in apple podcast. I really liked the one star review about the warts. That was Ah,

Greg: that was wild.

Steve: Was Ah, Raven Raven Review. But thank you for listening. Thank you for making it to the end of the show. We will see you guys next week. This has been another episode of the Pokemon podcast and we are super effective. Super scribble shanks. I think you meant to say crack purpose.

Greg: No practical octopus.

Will: It's an octopus with a crocodile.

Greg: That's that's Gen nine right there.