It's Super Effective: A Pokemon Podcast

Pokémon Made a Deal with LEGO

Episode Summary

We now have more details for the Cresselia vs Darkrai event in Pokémon Sleep. The US Pokémon website finally acknowledged the Pokémon Manga. Pokémon announces a deal with LEGO, which is coming in 2026. Pokémon TCG Pocket announces another mini-set, but it'll be over 100 cards and it'll feature Shiny Pokémon. Pokémon GO has two new events coming for early April.

Episode Notes

We now have more details for the Cresselia vs Darkrai event in Pokémon Sleep. The US Pokémon website finally acknowledged the Pokémon Manga. Pokémon announces a deal with LEGO, which is coming in 2026. Pokémon TCG Pocket announces another mini-set, but it'll be over 100 cards and it'll feature Shiny Pokémon. Pokémon GO has two new events coming for early April. 

00:04:30-Cresselia Vs. Darkrai
00:17:55-Pokémon Manga
00:26:35-LEGO x Pokémon
00:48:10-Shining Revelry
01:15:45-Pokémon GO News
01:33:35-More Legends Z-A Thoughts
01:44:45-Post Credits  

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